Sunday, October 10, 2010

Random Cuteness!

Even though we've been pretty busy lately, nothing of note has happened. Usually it's just the daily grind of school, chores, sewing, writing, mutual, activity days...and so on.

But here are some fun pictures of our mundane but busy life.

I just took this picture today after church. Poor Brynlie was so hungry too.

A girl at my kids' school passed away suddenly so they had a crazy hair day to raise money for funeral expenses. Hanna's idea of crazy hair was to just not comb it that morning. :)

They love dress down day when they don't have to wear uniforms. They always get dressed and ready for school so quickly.

Brynlie is sporting her own fashion statement.

Brynlie loves when Kamary makes her "pretty".

Love that smile!

Chocolate pudding! Surprisingly, that shirt came out clean in the wash!

Chilling with Minnie!

Hope you enjoyed some of our random cuteness!

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